
How to Use Tongsis: Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for a convenient way to take photos and selfies, tongsis (short for tongkat narsis or selfie stick) may be the answer you have been searching for. In this article, we will discuss the tips and tricks for using tongsis effectively.

What is Tongsis?

Tongsis is a device that allows you to extend your mobile phone or camera away from your body, which makes it easier to take better self-portraits and group photos. You can use tongsis with both iOS and Android devices.

How to Use Tongsis

Step 1: Choose the Right Tongsis

When choosing a tongsis, make sure it is compatible with your phone or camera. There are various types of tongsis, including wired and wireless. Wired tongsis is simply an extension pole with a mount for your phone or camera. Wireless tongsis connects to your device via Bluetooth.

Step 2: Mount Your Phone

Next, mount your phone on the tongsis. Make sure your phone is securely attached to the mount, so it doesn’t fall off. Adjust the angle of your phone until you have the perfect shot.

Step 3: Extend the Tongsis

To extend the tongsis, you typically just need to twist and pull. Extend the tongsis until it’s at a comfortable distance from your body for taking photos. Be sure to keep the tongsis stable so that your photos are not blurry.

Step 4: Take the Photo

Once you have extended the tongsis and adjusted the angle of your phone, you can take the photo. Using the timer function on your phone or your wireless tongsis remote control, take a photo.

Step 5: Review the Photo

Review the photo to see if you need to make any adjustments for the next shot. Once you have reviewed the photo, you can either post it on social media or try another shot.

Tips and Tricks for Using Tongsis

  • Make sure your tongsis is fully charged before use.
  • Use tongsis in a well-lit area for better photo quality.
  • Use tongsis for taking vertical photos, especially if you want to post to Instagram.
  • Be sure to use a level app to make sure your photos are straight.
  • Don’t forget to clean the tongsis after each use.


In conclusion, tongsis is a useful tool for taking better selfies and group photos. Using the steps outlined in this article, you can easily learn how to use tongsis. By following the tips and tricks mentioned here, you can take better photos and selfies with your tongsis. Happy snapping!

Written by Fadilah Putri

Fadilah Putri adalah seorang penulis teknologi yang bersemangat dan kreatif. Dia memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam menulis tentang berbagai topik teknologi, termasuk perkembangan terbaru dalam dunia teknologi, gadget dan perangkat baru, aplikasi dan software, dan tren teknologi masa depan. Fadilah sangat tertarik dengan inovasi teknologi yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia, dan dia selalu berusaha untuk membagikan pengetahuannya kepada pembaca melalui tulisannya yang mudah dipahami.

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